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Categoria: Musica

well, whatever, nevermind


Rompo un silenzio che dura da un po’, a causa di svogliatezza, distrazione, disperazione, e così via, per celebrare una ricorrenza che non si può dimenticare: il ventennale di Nevermind dei Nirvana.

Nel 1991 non provavo a cercare le novità musicali alternative nei negozi di Ragusa, e ordinavo i cd in America direttamente sulla BBS di uno dei pochi store che vendeva per corrispondenza in tutto il mondo, si chiamava CDconnection se ben ricordo. Lo presi su consiglio di un amico che a quei tempi era il mio mentore musicale da remoto, infatti eravamo in contatto tramite l’internet dell’epoca, ovvero le messaggerie videotel tramite itapac.

Mi appassionai subito ai Nirvana, e il caso volle che poi anni dopo fossi insieme allo stesso amico in giro per l’Italia proprio quando si sparse la notizia della morte di Kurt Cobain.

In quegli anni non era facile che band tutto sommato underground e dal sound metallico finissero in cima alle classifiche. L’epoca dei Nirvana è stata un misto di successo e disperazione, affermazione e inadeguatezza, e ha corrisposto a un periodo per me estremamente sofferto e tormentato (come se avessi mai avuto periodi di altro tipo!), e nonostante siano passati venti anni sento che quella musica rimane efficace esattamente allo stesso modo.

Ascolto tante altre cose adesso, ma per i Nirvana c’è sempre posto.

behind the wall of sleep


Hey doctor tell me how can it be
our screams are so real and you, you live in harmony
you can’t heal this cancer radiation will kill
your cult of flames behind the wall of sleep

impostor without knowing your beliefs been defiled
the flesh on them bones been scorched and burned
a downward spiral for your heresy inclined
you’re pushing forward back your logic is reversed

constitution of murder
so legal and proud
institution of sadness
a lot of them died

blood pouring down from the back of your neck
you’re being drowned of vitality’s gift
like a serpant’s tooth the venom penetrates
fight fire with fire and you fight back

intergrity and dignity for what it’s worth
now pull your head out and act like a man
it seems like you never have been free
fight fire with fire ant then fight back

the symptoms of your illness
are beginning to fade
now tell me who’s to blame
burn burn flame

Primo Maggio


let the night embrace you


My heart greeds for frozen stars
Deep black universe upon me
I’m enchanted by this warm light
Yet nothing can melt my cold soul

The lakes, my silent lovers
Whispers from the deep black waters
Ice would keep the ghost’s silent
Their mournful song freezes my heart

Come down where the embers burn
Let the night embrace you
And just before the morning haze
You will disappear without a trace

Seasongs change but the sorrow stays
Symphony is getting louder day by day
When the fog raises the dead again
Disharmony of crushing bones
Will take away my pain

there are things worse in life


I was wasting my time
Trying to fall in love
Disappointment came to me and
Booted me and bruised and hurt me

But that’s how people grow up
That’s how people grow up

I was wasting my time
Looking for love
Someone must look at me and
See their sunlit dream
I was wasting my time
Praying for love
For a love that never comes
From someone who does not exist

And that’s how people grow up
That’s how people grow up

Let me live
Before I die
Not me
Not I

I was wasting my life
Always thinking about myself
Someone on their deathbed said
There are other sorrows too

I was driving my car
I crashed and broke my spine
So yes there are things worse in life than
Never being someone’s sweetie

That’s how people grow up
That’s how people grow up

That’s how people grow up
That’s how people grow up

As for me I’m okay
For now anyway

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 .